Photo by Emile Guillemot on Unsplash
It doesn’t cost anything to embrace the act of treating everyone with kindness, especially those who are different in appearance.
We are all born with distinct appearances. This aspect of who we are, aside from our personality, also adds significant value to our uniqueness. The uniqueness each of us possesses remarkably captures our beauty. That said, it upholds how we humans are all beautiful in our own ways regardless of the set norms and beauty standards fabricated by society.
Given that beauty standards are a human construct, they are also relatively trivial. Although these standards can sometimes be harmless for some, they can still pose a threat to many. In fact, stereotypes hold immense danger.
Beauty standards can nudge vile acts of discrimination and harassment. An example would be if the person has a short and wider type of nose. And within the beauty standards, when you have a small and long nose, you are likely considered attractive. This may cause the person to be bullied because of his nose, which evidently did not meet the set beauty standards. Another would involve the weight and body type. Being skinny is considered pleasing and the ideal body type in accordance with beauty standards. Meanwhile, being fat is frowned upon. This may cause people to mistreat fat people just because of their appearance not fulfilling the standards.
Ultimately, despite our appearance, treating everyone with kindness is not just a necessity or demand but the right thing to do.

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash
Beautiful and Ugly: Labels That Shouldn’t Exist
We are set to be different and unique. Physical differences are not fractions of life that require judgment and discrimination. Just because others are different or others apparently do not meet the beauty standards does not give us the right to treat them any differently.
The thing is, there should have never been classifications of beauty or level of attractiveness. In this realm, we either classify the person as beautiful or ugly based on their appearance. This considered normalcy should have never existed in the first place. Based on our appearance, we vary, and we are diverse individuals with unique and special traits that make us stand out from the rest. There’s no point in putting labels on how other people look just to cultivate judgment and discrimination in the end.
The Outside Doesn’t Always Reflect the Inside
The majority of the time, we are so fixated on the outside that we are unable to peek into the inside. It is essential to remember that what’s on the outside doesn’t always reflect on the inside. If you are witnessing a person who’s ugly or worthy of some kind of judgment based on their looks, consider the beauty that resides within.
While labels like beautiful and ugly should have never been a thing in this world, we can never really judge a person just by their outside appearance. At the end of the day, we are more than our looks. There’s a deeper essence within us that rightfully deserves to be acknowledged – our character, and it goes far deeper than that.

Treating Everyone with Kindness: Kindness Is For Everyone
Kindness is a precious and powerful gift we can give to anyone and everyone. Judging and belittling someone based on their looks and appearance says a lot about yourself as an individual manipulated by society’s fabricated beauty standards. It’s more of your problem and not the other person’s.
That said, even though we are often blinded by the unhinged expectations and standards of others and society, we are to be reminded that everyone – beautiful or ugly, outside or inside – deserves kindness.
And yes, even the people who are controlled by beauty standards that compel them to judge and belittle others still deserve to be treated with kindness. At the end of the day, we are all challenged and have gone through the extremities of life’s journey. It doesn’t hurt to remain kind and let empathy flourish in this mad world.
A Book Full of Enticement and Intrigue
The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter is a story about two young sisters by Cochrane. Olivia and Caroline were set to embark on an adventure along with their father. Along their voyage, they meet a fascinating creature. All this time, the shy Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter has been secretly helping them.
The story digs deep into a thrilling journey encompassing the value of accepting physical differences and not making assumptions based on appearance alone. It uplifts the idea of treating everyone with kindness.
Chris Cochrane’s The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter contains vibrant and delightful artwork that will surely grip and entice readers of all ages and ultimately bring the story to life. What are you waiting for? Come along on this journey with the characters and enliven a path of sterling experience of life’s intricacies.
To finally obtain your own copy of the book, you can click here. While you’re at it, you may also read another interesting and insightful article about the benefits of reading fiction.
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Everyone is deserving of kindness!